
René Weber, J. Michael Mangus, Richard Huskey, Frederic R. Hopp, Ori Amir, Reid Swanson, Andrew Gordon, Peter Khooshabeh, Lindsay Hahn, and Ron Tamborini. 2018a. Extracting Latent Moral Information from Text Narratives: Relevance, Challenges, and Solutions. In Wouter van Atteveldt and Tai-Quan Peng, editors, Computational Methods for Communication Science, volume 1, pages 39–59. Routeldge, New York, NY, April. This chapter is a reprint of an article originally published in Communication Methods and Measures, doi: 10.1080/19312458.2018.1447656.

René Weber, J. Michael Mangus, Richard Huskey, Frederic R. Hopp, Ori Amir, Reid Swanson, Andrew Gordon, Peter Khooshabeh, Lindsay Hahn, and Ron Tamborini. 2018b. Extracting Latent Moral Information from Text Narratives: Relevance, Challenges, and Solutions. Communication Methods and Measures, 12(2–3):119–139, April. (best article of the year award)

Reid Swanson, Andrew S. Gordon, Peter Khooshabeh, Kenju Sagae, Richard Huskey, Michael J. Mangus, Ori Amir, and René Weber. 2017. An Empirical Analysis of Subjectivity and Narrative Levels in Personal Weblog Storytelling Across Cultures. Dialogue & Discourse, 8:105–128, November.

Melissa Roemmele, Andrew S. Gordon, and Reid Swanson. 2017. Evaluating Story Generation Systems Using Automated Linguistic Analyses. In SIGKDD-2017 Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, August.

René Weber, Michael J. Mangus, Richard Huskey, Ori Amir, Reid Swanson, Andrew S. Gordon, Peter Khooshabeh, Lindsay Hahn, and Ron Tamborini. 2017. Extracting moral foundations from text narratives: Relevance, challenges, and solutions. In 67th Annual meeting of the International Communications Association (ICA-2017), San Deigo, CA, May.

Ori Amir, Richard Huskey, Michael J. Mangus, Reid Swanson, Andrew S. Gordon, Peter Khooshabeh, and René Weber. 2017c. Media and the moral mind: Binding and individualizing moral intuitions elicit distinct cortical activation. In 67th Annual meeting of the International Communications Association (ICA-2017), San Diego, CA, May.

Ori Amir, Richard Huskey, Michael J. Mangus, Reid Swanson, Andrew Gordon, Peter Khooshabeh, and René Weber. 2017a. Moral intuitions elicit dissociable cortical activation. In 10th Annual Meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS-2017), Los Angeles, CA, March.

Ori Amir, Richard Huskey, Michael J. Mangus, Reid Swanson, Andrew Gordon, Peter Khooshabeh, and René Weber. 2017b. Trump versus Clinton: The Role of Moral Intuition Networks in Processing Political Attack Advertisements. In 10th Annual Meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS-2017), Los Angeles, CA, March.

Frederic Hopp, Jacob Fisher, Michael J. Mangus, Richard Huskey, Reid Swanson, Andrew Gordon, Peter Khooshabeh, and René Weber. 2017. Examining Online News Reporting Using the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions. In The 103rd Annual Convention of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX, January.

Reid Swanson, Elahe Rahimtoroghi, Thomas Corcoran, and Marilyn Walker. 2014c. Identifying Narrative Clause Types in Personal Narratives. In the 15th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue, Philadelphia, PA, USA, June. (best paper award)

Elahe Rahimtoroghi, Thomas Corcoran, Reid Swanson, Marilyn A. Walker, Kenji Sagae, and Andrew S. Gordon. 2014. Minimal Narrative Annotation Schemes and Their Applications. In 7th Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies, Milwaukee, WI, June.

Reid Swanson, Elahe Rahimtoroghi, Thomas Corcoran, and Marilyn Walker. 2014b. Identifying Narrative Clause Types in Personal Narratives. In the Northwest NLP Workshop, Redmond, WA, 2014, June.

Reid Swanson, Stephanie Lukin, Luke Eisenberg, Thomas Corcoran, and Marilyn Walker. 2014a. Getting Reliable Annotations for Sarcasm in Online Dialogues. In the 9th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, May.

Daniel G. Shapiro, Josh McCoy, April Grow, Ben Samuel, Andrew Stern, Reid Swanson, Mike Treanor, and Michael Mateas. 2013. Creating Playable Social Experiences through Whole-Body Interaction with Virtual Characters. In Ninth Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference. November.

Zhichao Hu, Elahe Rahimtoroghi, Larissa Munishkina, Reid Swanson, and Marilyn Walker. 2013. Unsupervised Induction of Contingent Event Pairs from Film Scenes. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Seattle, WA, October.

Elahe Rahimtoroghi, Reid Swanson, and Marilyn Walker. 2013. Evaluation, Orientation, and Action in Interactive StoryTelling. In Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies 6, Boston, MA, October.

Reid Swanson and Andrew S. Gordon. 2012. Say Anything: Using Textual Case-Based Reasoning to Enable Open-Domain Interactive Storytelling. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems, 2(3).

Reid Swanson and Arnav Jhala. 2012b. Rich Computational Models of Conflict for Virtual Characters. In 12th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (Poster), Santa Cruz, CA, September.

Reid Swanson, Dustin Escoffery, and Arnav Jhala. 2012. Panorama: Generating an Image Corpus through Gameplay for Learning Visual Composition Preferences. In IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games, Granada, Spain, September.

Reid Swanson and Arnav Jhala. 2012a. A Crowd-Sourced Collection of Narratives for Studying Conflict. In Language Resources and Evaluation Conference Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative, Istanbul, Turkey, May.

Reid Swanson. 2010. Enabling open domain interactive storytelling using a data-driven case-based approach. Ph.D. thesis, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, August.

Andrew S. Gordon and Reid Swanson. 2009. Identifying Personal Stories in Millions of Weblog Entries. In Third International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Data Challenge Workshop, San Jose, CA, May.

Reid Swanson and Andrew S. Gordon. 2009. A Comparison of Retrieval Models for Open Domain Story Generation. In AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium on Intelligent Narrative Technologies II, Stanford, CA, March.

Reid Swanson and Andrew S. Gordon. 2008. Say Anything: A Massively Collaborative Open Domain Story Writing Companion. In International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, pages 32–40, Erfurt, Germany, November.

Andrew S. Gordon and Reid Swanson. 2008a. Envisioning with weblogs. In International Conference on New Media Technology, Special Track on Knowledge Acquisition From the Social Web, Graz, Austria, September.

Mehdi Manshadi, Reid Swanson, and Andrew S. Gordon. 2008. Learning a probabilistic model of event sequences from internet weblog stories. In Twenty-first International Conference of the Florida AI Society, Applied Natural Language Processing track, Coconut Grove, Florida, May.

Andrew S. Gordon and Reid Swanson. 2008b. StoryUpgrade: Finding Stories in Internet Weblogs. In International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, Seattle, Seattle, Washington, March.

Reid Swanson, Elaine Chew, and Andrew S. Gordon. 2008. Supporting musical creativity with unsupervised syntactic parsing. In Creative Intelligent Systems, AAAI Spring Symposium Series, Palo Alto, California, March.

Reid Swanson. 2007. First Person Narrative Story Extraction and Retrieval. Masters, University of Southern California.

Andrew S. Gordon, Qun Cao, and Reid Swanson. 2007. Automated story capture from internet weblogs. In Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Knowledge capture, pages 167–168, Whistler, BC, Canada, October. ACM.

Andrew Gordon and Reid Swanson. 2007. Generalizing semantic role annotations across syntactically similar verbs. In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, pages 192–199, Prague, Czech Republic, June. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Andrew S. Gordon and Reid Swanson. 2006. Integrating logical inference into statistical text classification applications. In AAAI Fall Symposium on Integrating Logical Reasoning into Everyday Applications, Washington, DC, October.

Reid Swanson and Andrew S. Gordon. 2006. A comparison of alternative parse tree paths for labeling semantic roles. In Proceedings of the COLING/ACL on Main conference poster sessions, pages 811–818, Sydney, Australia, July. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Reid Swanson and Andrew S. Gordon. 2005. Automated Commonsense Reasoning about Human Memory. In AAAI Spring Symposium on Metacognition in Computation, Palo Alto, CA.